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  • Macaw Parrot Stuffed Animal - 12"

    The bright, social macaw parrot needs plenty of interaction, so this colorful bird is the perfect pal if you love to play. Vibrant blue fuzzy feathers down its back, wings...
  • Macaw Scarlet Stuffed Animal - 12"

    The colorful scarlet macaw brings bright, tropical adventure to your backyard! This 12-inch stuffed scarlet macaw Cuddlekin has a brilliant red body flanked by contrasting blue and yellow feathers on...
  • Orangutan Stuffed Animal - 12"

    The long, orange fur on this cuddly stuffed orangutan makes him irresistibly huggable. Long ape arms and gray, human-like hands and feet make him incredibly realistic. This 12-inch stuffed orangutan...
  • Ostrich Stuffed Animal - 12"

    This lovely 12-inch ostrich is built for speed, with long, thin legs and a tall, skinny neck. Her round body is covered in a long, feathery black and white coat....
  • Hog Stuffed Animal - 12"

    It looks like this red river hog is wearing a pair of white goggles, which makes it easy to see how unique he is! Tufts of white hair along his...
  • Sifaka Stuffed Animal - 12"

    The sifaka is a type of lemur named for the loud, shrieking call it makes in the jungle. It's covered in soft, snowy white fur except for a gray belly,...
  • Sloth Stuffed Animal - 12"

    Coming in around 12 inches, this sloth stuffed animal is the perfect size for at home and take on the go play. His ultra-realistic design replicates the look of a...
  • Arctic Fox Stuffed Animal - 8"

    The Cuddlekins Arctic Fox stuffed animal will blend into your family as easily as his white coat allows him to blend into his snowy Arctic habitat. His plush fur is...
  • Black & White Lemur Stuffed Animal - 8"

    Monkey around with a cute black and white stuffed lemur. He's covered in soft black fur with white patches on his arms and legs. A distinctive ruff, or mane, of...
  • Capuchin Stuffed Animal - 8"

    A clever little capuchin, this primate makes a great playmate. Most of his fluffy soft body is black, except for a hood of fuzzy white fur around his pale-colored face....
  • Cotton-Top Tamarin Stuffed Animal - 8"

    This adorable cotton-top tamarin brings tropical fun to playtime. A bushy mane of long white hair surrounds his cute gray face, and a long  brown tail gives him balance as...
  • Kangaroo Rat Stuffed Animal - 8"

    Though they're no relation, the little kangaroo rat is built to hop like a kangaroo, with big hind legs and smaller front legs. This adorable 8-inch stuffed kangaroo rat is...
  • Macaw Parrot Stuffed Animal - 8"

    Gift your little one an adorable, fun-filled surprise in the form of this hand-crafted macaw parrot. Creatively designed, this soft toy will be a wonderful gift and a great addition...
  • Macaw Scarlet Stuffed Animal - 8"

    Introduce your little one to the wildlife kingdom by gifting him/her this hand-crafted ‘Scarlet Macaw’ parrot soft toy. Creatively designed, this soft toy will be a wonderful gift and a...
  • Hummingbird Stuffed Animal - 8"

    Can you keep up with the quick little hummingbird, the smallest of all birds? This 8-inch stuffed hummingbird is larger than life, with soft olive green feathers, a ruby colored...
  • Great Horned Owl Stuffed Animal - 12"

    Who will take you to new heights of fun? This great horned owl, that's who! He doesn't actually have horns at all, just soft tufts of feathers on his head...
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